Why you could be fined while waiting for your car to defrost

Your driving could also be invalidated by doing this too.

Drivers have been warned about the dangers of leaving their unattended cars to defrost at the side of the road.

Once cold weather hits, the police are often quick to rush to tell motorists not to leave their cars running unaccompanied while waiting for them to defrost. Yet despite many drivers knowing the perils of doing this, many still choose to ignore the advice and warnings.

But alongside the potential worst-case scenarios of having your car stolen – many thieves often patrol in cold weather looking for vehicles to target – drivers could also be fined and have their insurance invalidated.

That’s because a £40 fine could be handed out to drivers who leave their car’s engine running at the side of the road, with the Highway Code starting that drivers should not leave a vehicle running unnecessarily while stationary on a public road. A £20 on-the-spot fine can be handed out, though this doubles to £40 if it’s not paid within a certain amount of time.

This applies to certain areas around the country – mainly London, which operates a ‘no-idling policy’ in some sections of the capital.

The RAC has also urged drivers that insurance cover could be invalidated if driver’s leave their cars defrosting while they’re still in their homes, as some insurers will refuse to pay out if a car is stolen while a key is in the ignition, or if it’s left unlocked.