AFV and petrol sales up, but car market down in December

AFV and petrol sales up, but car market down in December

Both petrol and electrified vehicles saw overall sales go up, but diesel popularity continues to dwindle.

The last month of 2018 saw petrol and alternatively-fuelled vehicles continue to grow in popularity, as units of each grew compared to December in 2017.

However, this can’t counteract the overall decline in the British car market which was down 5.5 per cent year-on-year in December, according to the latest figures released by the Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders.

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SMMT December 2018 figures

2018 saw plenty of turmoil in the motoring industry, with the year-end figures for 2018 down by 6.8 per cent compared to 2017 – equating to 2,367,147 sales.

Diesel vehicles were the worst hit, as sales for the fuel type fell for the 21stconsecutive month and 2018 had only 750,165 sales for oil burning vehicles – down from 1,065,617 units in 2017.

But petrol sales were up by 7.2 per cent for December, meaning an overall increase year-on-year by 8.7 per cent. Alternatively-fuelled vehicles were also up compared to 2017, with a rise of 6.1 per cent.

SMMT chief executive Mike Hawes said: “A second year of substantial decline is a major concern, as falling consumer confidence, confusing fiscal and policy messages and shortages due to regulatory changes have combined to create a highly turbulent market.

SMMT December 2018 figures

“The industry is facing ever-tougher environmental targets against a backdrop of political and economic uncertainty that is weakening demand so these figures should act as a wake-up call for policy makers.

“Supportive, not punitive measures are needed to grow sales, because replacing older cars with new technologies, whether diesel, petrol, hybrid or plug-in, is good for the environment, the consumer, the industry and the exchequer.”

As for the rest of 2018, the Ford Fiesta was the most popular car on sale with 5,719 units sold in December. The Volkswagen Polo was second with 4,928 sales, while the Mini Hatch with 4,650 sales was third.

The Fiesta ended the year with 95,892 sales, more than 31,000 units ahead of the second-placed Volkswagen Golf.

Hawes added: “Despite the overall decline in 2018, demand for new cars in the UK remains solid, with volumes on a par with the preceding 15-year average,3 and the market still the second biggest in the EU, behind Germany. It is also one of the most diverse, with buyers able to choose from some 350 different models available in fuel types and body styles to suit all driving needs.”

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