Budget 2020: How will motorists be affected?

Budget 2020: How will motorists be affected?

We take a look at how announcements from the Chancellor’s Budget will affect motorists.

The Chancellor has just revealed this year’s Budget, laying out how the Government plans to spend the funds available to it.

Here, we’re taking a look at how motorists will be affected by the announcements.

Fuel duty frozen

Despite fears fuel duty would be increased this year, ultimately leading to higher prices at the pump, it remains frozen for the tenth consecutive year. For exact figures, it remains at 57.95p per litre for petrol, diesel and bioethanol and 31.61p per litre for LPG.

Extension of the plug-in car grant

The Government’s £3,500 plug-in car grant will continue until at least 2022/23, with £403m reserved by the Chancellor in order to fund it. Plug-in grants for vans, taxis and motorcycles has been extended for the same period as well.

Zero emissions cars over £40,000 will now also be exempt from the Vehicle Excise Duty expensive car supplement.

Pothole repair funding

Potholes are one of the biggest issues faced on UK roads, and the Government has set aside £2.5bn in order to fix them. That’s said to be enough to fill 50 million potholes by the end of the current government’s term.

Fresh road funding

On top of that pothole fund, it has been revealed £27bn has been reserved to lay new tarmac, with over 4,000 miles of road said to be covered.