This cool device will eliminate the need for mobile phone while driving

This cool device will eliminate the need for mobile phone while driving

German tech start-up Autolabs reveals Chris — a digital assistant designed specifically for drivers

Using your phone while driving is not only a terrible idea, but it’s also illegal — potentially landing you a hefty fine and points on your licence. Yet, some drivers still struggle to cut themselves away from their mobiles when behind the wheel.

If that’s you, a new device from German tech start-up Autolabs could eliminate the need to even think about checking your phone while driving. Introducing Chris — a digital assistant designed specifically for drivers.

Chris isn’t a man that sits in your passenger seat shouting out your latest notifications, rather a small device that can be attached to your car’s windscreen or dashboard. It supports both iOS and Android devices and connects via Bluetooth to deliver messages, make and receive phone calls, stream music and read out navigation instructions.

Holger G. Weiss, CEO of German Autolabs, said: "In this age of digital dependency, despite the harsh penalties and safety risks they face, a significant number of drivers persist in using mobile phones when driving. Chris offers drivers a safe, legal, hands-free alternative.

“Through the combination of voice, hand gestures and the display, it is easy to use and reliably does what you want it to do. Chris makes your drive smarter and safer by keeping your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.”

Fancy a Chris? It’s set to retail at £299 when it goes on sale later this year. 

You can find out more about Chris, the digital assistant for drivers here.